
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China 03/2019–present

Supervised by Prof. Chongxuan Liu (Chair Professor)

  1. The dynamics of iron and pollutant hydrobiogeochemistry in the hyporheic zone:
    • Dynamic analysis of biofilm reduction kinetics of ferrihydrite. A comprehensive biofilm reduction model was developed and explain the rate differences caused by the biofilm thickness in iron reduction and transformation.
    • Investigating hydrodynamics and hydrochemical effects on biofilm function in iron biogeochemical cycles. The research focuses on the interaction between iron bioreduction with biofilm and transport in the water-sediment interface. A reactive transport model which coupled reduction kinetics and detachment kinetics was developed.
    • Upscaling iron bioreduction rates with ML approaches.
    • Reactive transport experiments and modeling of antibiotics in porous media. The research highlights the impact of flow interruption on adsorption and transport in porous media.



  2. The co-evolution of microbial biofilm function and hydrobiogeochemical processes:
    • Investigating the influence of hydrodynamics on biofilm 3D microstructures and biofilm response to complex dynamic flows. A universal biofilm detachment model was established in this study.
    • Utilizing CFD and ML approaches to unravel the mechanisms of biofilm detachment under complex environmental factors.


    biofilm study

  3. Molecular-scale interfacial adsorption for environmental contaminant removal:
    • Gaining microscopic insights into the adsorption of antibiotics with clay minerals. The research employed macro-scale adsorption experiments and micro-scale molecular dynamics simulations to unravel the surface mechanisms.



  1. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2011, 45, 8, 3367–3373.
  2. Nat Rev Microbiol 20, 608–620 (2022).