Hello! I’m Shuai, a master student at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in the School of Environmental Science and Engineering.
My work and research
My research interests cover diverse aspects of environmental science and engineering related to the biofilm biogeochemical cycles with heavy metal in the enviroment and the related extracellular electron transfer process. My current research topic focuses on using experiment and model prediction technology to unravel the mechanisms of biofilm interaction with heavy metals. I have also studied molecular dynamics (MD) simualtions and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) appoarches.
My background and history
I am from Tsingtao, China. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from the School of Enviornment in Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in 2021, working with Dr. Chongxuan Liu. I will graduate from SUSTech in 06/2024, working with Dr. Chongxuan Liu.